Friday, October 12, 2012

"Famous Five Artists"

The Watertown elementary art teachers received a grant to research five famous artists that all elementary students would study. Each artist has work displayed in local museums, so students can go with their families to talk about what they learned. Below is the Henri Matisse print, Beasts of the Sea,  that students viewed after reading "Getting to Know the Artist: Henri Matisse". The third graders used either warm or cool colors. They also cut out a variety of organic, geometric, and free-form shapes.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fifth Grade Pumpkins

I love these! Fifth graders experimented with value, space, and analogous (closely related) colors with these pumpkin paintings!

First Grade Kandinsky Circles

 The first grade students looked at Kandinsky's Several Cirlces. We had a great discussion as the students "read" the artwork, just like they would "read" a book! They then did their own interpretation by overlapping small, medium, and large circles.

Wassily Kandinsky's Several Circles